Beyond the Setting Sun by Sarah J Dodd and Cee Biscoe
A small elephant named Ekundayo suffers the loss of his mother. He is guided through his grief by the family around him, and learns his mother’s love is present everywhere is his life.
We all know that elephants are compassionate animals and will mourn and grieve the death of their family members. They have also been known to stay with a dead elephants body for days and weeks at a time. It is no wonder that a book about grief would be so perfectly fitting to these animals.
I wasn’t prepared for how emotional this book would make me feel! So incredibly sad within the first few pages and then fantastically uplifted by the last! Ekundayo steps through his grief in many stages, first not believing his mother death, then sadness and anger, confusion and desperation and then with the help of his family a realisation of love and hope.
This is an excellently written, emotive and beautiful story. The beautiful illustrations give the elephants such charm.
I love the advice for parents and careers and additional resources at the back of the book. Incredibly needed to give the reader information and support. I would recommend this book to schools and libraries providing well being assistance to children and families.
I received an ebook version of this book from NetGalley for my unbiased review.
Publisher: Lion Hudson ltd
ISBN: 0745978436
Publication date: 17th September 2021
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