Busy Spring Nature Wakes up by Sean Taylor and Alex Morss Synopsis After a long sleepy winter, the trees, flowers and animals are getting ready for a busy spring . Discover all the different ways nature wakes up when spring arrives in this fresh and fun story of a family exploring their…
A Way with Wild Things by Larissa Theule - illustrated by Sara Palacios Synopsis Poppy loves nature, and can be found carrying on conversations with ladybugs or singing with cicadas, but good luck spotting her indoors and around people! She's a master of camouflage, always finding a …
Mort the Meek and the Ravens’ Revenge by Rachel Delahay and illustrated by George Ermos Synopsis On Brutalia violence is a way of life. Ravenous ravens circle overhead, monstrous grot bears cause chaos and the streets are bulging with brawls. But Mort isn't like the other islanders -…
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